Town Talk Church Point

Splash into Summer: Community Vibrance and Memorial Day Tributes in Church Point

Chris Logan Season 1 Episode 37

Feel the warmth of community spirit as Church Point blossoms into summer festivities! Mayor Spanky joins me in painting a vivid picture of the upcoming celebrations, from the June 5th summer kickoff with its open-air movie night to the refreshing splash of the new splash pad. We're not just sharing the excitement; we're extending an invitation to make memories with your loved ones at the heart of our town. Discover the generosity of Ms. Evelyn Filipinas, whose heartfelt donation brought joy in the form of spraying water, and join us as we pay homage to our heroes on Memorial Day with the VFW and American Legion.

As we stroll through the sun-dappled streets talking with our guests, we'll explore the importance of walkable community spaces for fostering health and connection. Imagine a time when the sound of children's laughter filled the air, and we'll discuss how we can recapture that essence in our tech-saturated age. Tune in for the buzz on Church Point's Community Development music series, the Volunteer Fire Department's car show—events that promise to be the soundtrack and spectacle of your summer. Stay connected through the Town of Church Point's official Facebook page and let the anticipation for a season of unity and engagement wash over you, just like the cool water from our town's splash pad.

Speaker 1:

We're back here another episode of Town Talk, chris and Mayor Spanky. It's hard to believe, Mayor, but summertime is here.

Speaker 2:

We're halfway through the year almost already this year is flying fast, too fast.

Speaker 1:

Now we have this event and I guess we can call it a summer kickoff in Church Point, Yep, and it's going to be on June 5th, okay, or Wednesday, and we're going to have kind of a movie at the park kind of deal.

Speaker 2:

We have all the projection and all that stuff and we've opened up the splash pad. Pickleball courts is open. We're building a second one. That construction is going to be going on at that time. But this function that we're talking about is going to be a cooperation with two other businesses that feel that it's important to welcome summer and have the kids something to do. One is going to be papa d's party rentals.

Speaker 2:

He's going to provide some slides no water, slides the water slides and uh, pizzaville is going to come out with their trucks and sell pizzas and ice cream and maybe burgers.

Speaker 1:

You know all kind of little stuff like that.

Speaker 2:

So we'll have the splash pad rolling, we'll have some water slides, we'll have pizza for you to purchase. You know they got the movie there. You got the skate park there, you got the dog park there and Mayor, this is a free event.

Speaker 1:

This does not cost anything to residents who want to come by the only thing that'll cost over there is uh is if you want the pizza or ice cream or something like that so there's not going to be a charge to get on the water slides or, and obviously there's not a charge for the splash pad. I mean that's part of the park.

Speaker 2:

And Papa D's will be there taking dates, so it's a good thing for them to promote and it's good for the town that way if somebody has a party coming up, they're there, right there. They can jot them down. You know this, that and the other so. I think it's a good community event. You know something fun that the kids will look forward to. They're just getting out of school. It's on a Wednesday so it's not bothering the baseball travel year tours.

Speaker 1:

It's not on a Saturday or Friday. What time is this going to kick off?

Speaker 2:

I mean it'll start a little early, but the movie's probably not going to start until the sun lets us, lets us, yes, so I would think somewhere around 6, 630, but I'm sure that everybody will be set up around the 5, 30, 6 o'clock area. But keep it posted on Facebook and we'll get more and more information as the event comes closer. But it is on the books and we are working together to get that done.

Speaker 1:

You know of any other summertime events that are happening or maybe coming up in town?

Speaker 2:

Right off hand. I know that a week or so ago the fireman's car show was postponed due to the weather. The day before or two days before I know they're going to be rescheduling, so that's a good event during the summer that people like to come to. And then I did talk to Community Development and they're in the planning stages of a music series, maybe not as big as the one last year, but more of them. Instead of one big show, they're going to do maybe one, maybe a month or something at the Depot.

Speaker 2:

And again, I don't know the dates, I don't know the time, I don't know the band, but I know we have been in talks so I know something's going to be coming of that and that's. You know community development does a good job with that, so it'll be a nice event for the community and you know we got a lot of positive things.

Speaker 2:

I mean that splash pad is? Yeah, it's. I mean, I saw families out there picnicking yesterday. Yeah, that's awesome and they were just having a good time. You know, and that's what it's about that park. I mean, they have a lot of people that come to that park every day.

Speaker 1:

It's packed the pickleball skate park. Uh, now you know with the with the splash pad there at the dog park and I know we mentioned it on social media last time. We talked about the splash pad you just mentioned that it was a private donor, but miss evelyn filipinas was the church point resident who fully donated and wrote a check for the splash pad. That was not, uh, paid for by the town at all. No, she took care of that and that was her donation to the town of church yeah, I mean it.

Speaker 2:

I know it sounds different. Yeah, but it's not. I mean you imagine my face when the offer came to my desk. She has her business here and there's always her workers. There's not that much for the kids to do. And you know all this progress that we're doing for the kids. I think she just wanted to be part of it on a great cause, you know, and she's been super supportive on everything that we've done. And you know we had the ribbon cutting and I got dunked pretty good.

Speaker 2:

And we had a good time out there and you know, that was we just read it for summer, and hopefully it's a great one Again. To add, because this will be put out in the coming few days, there is always the Memorial Day event at the Depot, correct?

Speaker 1:

with the VFW American Legion. Yes, that's right.

Speaker 2:

So I don't want to forget about that one. That one, if I'm not mistaken, it's like two or three days.

Speaker 1:

Yes, and it's manned all the time. I think it's manned sunup to sundown, sunup to sundown, and they do it to the 21 event for the 21 who lost their lives during the war from here in Church Point yeah, so that's something. I'm sure if you follow American Legion or PFW on Facebook, there's going to be more information about that, but that is always Memorial Day weekend and I guess Church Point Community Development will probably have information on their social media as well for that music series.

Speaker 2:

And then I know, maybe they announced the dates, but again watch their site, the community development site, because there is a tennis camp that they do every year too. That's right. And it's in June, so again, we've got.

Speaker 1:

I'm not speaking out of turn, but I think that the Church Point CrossFit also is trying to do or going to do some summer kids camps as well.

Speaker 2:

Maybe, so I mean. But this point in time, about every summer, you start hearing these things and not all of them hit my desk Right, but there's a lot of them, you know, and I try to point out all the ones I know.

Speaker 2:

But I'm sure the library they always have multiple they have multiple things and, as we see them, we will post them if we know about them, you know. But we have a lot of great things and that's something I'm pretty proud of on the Central Park and you know we've all talked about it. I mean to link. I took a lot of beatings on that park but, you know, when you see that the children enjoy themselves, it makes it worth it, you know.

Speaker 1:

Yeah, and you know also, man, with part of that Central Park people are now coming together with it. But also you know a lot of things that you do in town. People may think it's 100% funded by the town and it's not. You know, just in town people may think it's 100% funded by the town and it's not. Just like we mentioned, the splash pad that was funded 100% by Miss Evelyn Filipinas. The playground that's at that park was partially funded by Church Point Community Development. The buggy building was partially funded by Church Point Community Development. You got private donors to team up and do the skate park. That was not fully funded by the town and Community Development helped out on that as well.

Speaker 1:

So you know the welcome signs have been in partnership with Church Point Community Development. So there's a lot of people that are still believing in Church Point, want to help out, want to support man. And that's still a great thing.

Speaker 2:

The exercise equipment at the. Central Park that was CrossFit. There's a lot of people that see the vision and that like it, but there's some that I always say you could give them a $20 bill and they ain't crispy enough. It's just how it works this business. You're going to have a handful. That just everything you do, and if the street floods, it's because of the pork Right. No, it's not Not even close, or the water, or something. They have 16. I think it's 16 different checking accounts.

Speaker 2:

None of them are linked together right, they're like, but people don't know that right correct yeah people think that you know we're we're taking this money and putting it to this and right there's no truth.

Speaker 1:

Which which they're? Uh, there are people called auditors.

Speaker 2:

That are constantly have eyeballs on on with you guys, and they spend four weeks in january and they spend four weeks in september over here and they go through every single paper, you know did you write with the blue ink pen or did you write with the black ink pen? That's not the right ink pen exactly so I mean, but it I understand. That's hard for people to understand because they've never done it. Look every job that I've ever had. When I started I didn't know anything, but then I learned it you know, and that's.

Speaker 2:

It's easy to go on facebook and say, oh, this is, it's easy, right. But you know, we actually are from the culture of doing things not talking yeah. But we just leave them talking. That's it.

Speaker 1:

That's it. So this event this summer kickoff, it's on Wednesday, June 5th June 5th and probably going to start 5.30, 6 o'clock. Yeah, Going to have Papa D's rentals out there and they're going to have two big water slides.

Speaker 2:

We're going to have the splash pad going.

Speaker 1:

That's going on all the time. We're going to have a movie going on too. Pizzaville is going to be out there. They're going to do pizzas and burgers and, I believe, ice cream, whatever they bring. Yeah, whatever they want to bring, they're going to bring it. Now, this whole event is free. You don't have to pay to get in. You don't have to pay to go on the water slides. Obviously, if you do want to purchase pizza or burgers, whatever, pizzaville has.

Speaker 2:

You can purchase from them. But the whole event is going to be free to come and attend. And I do stress this because we don't have that much parking and this is going to be, I think, a very big event. But, good news, central Park is in the center of town and can ride your bikes, you can bring the family bicycling to it and save a couple parking spots. You know like the big thing of it is, and I've talked about these classes that I go to and all that stuff. I mean we've already done a couple podcasts about a big, big in 2024.

Speaker 2:

Every conference you go to walkability. That's the thing these days, because walkability is getting out, going exercise, doing things. Back in me and your day of younger, everybody was outside. That's all you had to do. That's all you did. You was outside all the time. You just played outside. And now, with the technology and all this, kids are not going outside like they used to. They're playing video games, they're on the phone. All the time. I've seen kids that are young instead of talking to each other, they text each other right next to each other. It's like I don't understand it, but that's okay. But that's what this stuff is is to get you out, to get you moving, walking you know all this good stuff you know.

Speaker 2:

So that's a, it's a. It's a great thing for everybody, you know.

Speaker 1:

And then also, you know, stay tuned to the Facebook page which is Town of Church Point. We have a few different groups and pages and stuff around town, but again, the official one for the town is Town of Church Point and we'll be posting more about this event as we get closer. Follow Church Point Community Development as well for their music series that's coming up. Follow the Church Point Volunteer Fire Department I'm sure they're going to post about their car show that's going to come back up and we'll share that as well. And then don't forget about the event coming up Memorial Day weekend this weekend over at the Depot with the VFW and the American Legion. So I mean a lot of great things happening. Like I said when we kicked off the podcast, it's crazy to think that we're in the summer.

Speaker 2:

No, no doubt.

Speaker 1:

No doubt. But, mayor, as always, thanks for coming by and if you have any messages or something you want to get to us, the easiest way is by sending us a message again.