Town Talk Church Point

Mayor Spanky Unveils Church Point's New Emergency Text Notification System

Chris Logan Season 1 Episode 28

Ever wished for an accurate, direct-from-the-source update during town emergencies? Join us in this informative discussion with Mayor Spanky as he unveils Church Point’s brand-new Emergency Text Notification system. Designed to bypass social media confusion, this system aims to keep citizens promptly informed on pressing issues such as electricity outages, water breakages, or impending weather events. 

Mayor Spanky offers insights into the compelling reasons for choosing this communication method, as well as the town’s commitment to ensuring the timely delivery of critical information. Learn how to sign up for these updates and understand how this can enhance your preparedness during emergencies. Additionally, the mayor addresses the role of social media in this new communication initiative and underlines the importance of spreading the word, especially to the less tech-savvy residents. Don't miss this chance to stay abreast of vital town updates, right from Mayor Spanky. After all, when it comes to emergencies, every second counts.

Speaker 1:

Welcome to another Town Talk podcast. It is Chris and Mayor Spanky, and not a long podcast today. Today just a little informational, and it's about something new that you've decided to do and a new way to get out important emergency information, and that's with our Church Point Emergency Text notification. Yes, and what you wanted to do was have a system where, if major issues happen in town, your communication will be a text.

Speaker 2:

That's right. The reason why we feel that this is the best avenue to go is because there's a lot of confusion and we understand it. There's a few Facebook that have the Church Point name in it. So people automatically and I've talked to many that they just think whatever says Church Point we're affiliated with and we're not. So we're having trouble with that and we've been having trouble with that for five years.

Speaker 1:


Speaker 2:

The other sites would copy and paste our posts, which is good.

Speaker 1:

They were trying to put it out there.

Speaker 2:

But then people would comment like they were the authority and they didn't have those answers because they're not part of our system. But we're gonna do it for about the next two months where we're gonna do the text messaging and the Facebook to where we can get people to get on the texting. But then after that, other than, like you know, news of business opening, you know stuff like that regular information is gonna stay on the town of Church Point, facebook. But a emergency, water breakage, electricity out, hurricane, you know saying bad yeah, like serious stuff that.

Speaker 2:

You know Facebook is a is a jokey type place. You know it's not a where serious people go. This is serious stuff that we we don't want to be part of the social media dramas and stuff like that. We want to get out of that. So this is what we feel is the best way to do it now. With that being said, we will try to limit it, but you may be getting texted three in the morning. If it affects you, you know, and pretty much anybody in Church. Point, your electricity goes out, we find out about it. We're gonna try to keep you updated to where you know what's going on, because when the electricity goes out, I get on the phone with energy, I start asking questions, I start getting things, so you will get better information as fast as I get it. Yeah, is that clear?

Speaker 1:

I think that's pretty clear on what you want to accomplish and I know you know. Again, it's been this thing with you where you know you try different things and and no matter what you know it kicked in the face. Yeah, it's not quite right now. You know there's been more, I feel, communication out of your administration for the past five years and we've ever seen, yeah, because before there was no Facebook there was.

Speaker 2:

There was no website that hadn't been updated in years.

Speaker 1:

Right and, and so you try to keep that communication open, that transparency with what's going on, what's needed, what to be put out there and again, we reached a lot of people. But then some of the drawback was well, not everybody has Facebook, okay, well, you know, we understand that. Now, most everybody has a smartphone. Now, if you don't, you might have a little flip phone, but that should accept text messages.

Speaker 1:

And you will be kept up to date. So if you haven't joined the text notification yet now, I'm hoping that we get thousands of people in this thing. I'm hoping that we get. I mean, what's the we?

Speaker 2:

want you to get the information without having to go to Facebook. Correct, there's no reason, and that's one of my things is like Facebook is a place to go and mess around, pass the time, you know, and look if dramas you think Facebook's your thing and that's fine. It's not a big deal, you know. But this is the I wanna be one way and I don't want you to happen to come across something, or I heard from this one that's on Facebook and it always comes out totally wrong. Right, so everybody has a phone, everybody can text. So get on this program and you're gonna get the real information. You don't have to go to Facebook, you don't have to go to the News Channel, You're getting it from me yeah, exactly, right from the administration, right from town hall, right from Air Spanky, exactly.

Speaker 2:

This is not somebody waking up at three in the morning to update you. It's me. I'm doing it, doing the updating.

Speaker 1:

That's right, absolutely.

Speaker 2:

And I mean, like I said, I lean on Chris a lot, but we're gonna work together on this to make it as clear and crisp as it can be, you know, yep.

Speaker 1:

And if you haven't signed up yet, you can go to our website, churchpointorg. Very simple. I know we had a post on Facebook, also in the Church Point News, I believe they did a little write up about it, a little ad about it. You might see that from time to time, and we also have this flyer up in City Hall and that one has a QR code on it. If you go to churchpointorg there's a link to click. It's very simple. You put your phone number in there, your name, you hit submit and you're in.

Speaker 2:

And look if you don't like it.

Speaker 1:

There's no cost, you know unless there's a cost associated with text messaging on your phone. Maybe you know nowadays a lot of that's unlimited, but data rates may apply depending on your package, but most times not.

Speaker 2:

And if you don't like it, we'll put a thing to where you can stop it at any time. It's not this trickery, or nothing like that.

Speaker 2:

Yep, and look the people from out of town. If you want to keep up with what's going on, that might be a way but this is mainly for in town problems that arise at a moment's notice that we can get to you as fast as possible to where you can prepare, because you know I've had times where a pipe busted and we have 30 minutes to get a crew over here. Well, the faster I get to you that in 30 minutes your water will be shut off, the faster you can go put some water in your bathtub or in your pots or whatever it may be, and maybe you don't get in as much of a bind as you would be if you walked up and there's just no water. Yeah, so this is meant to help, yep, and I hope it does.

Speaker 1:

I think it's very important. Also, if you are listening to the podcast and you did join, you know, please help us spread the word. You know you got family members. Maybe you got elderly family members, I mean, I know still a lot of elderly people.

Speaker 2:

They have smartphones, they have you know regular.

Speaker 1:

you know maybe some flip phones, but still maybe joined for them you know what I mean. There's many different ways to do it on what's easier, and we have all that information that is going to be on our website. You can go there at churchpointorg.

Speaker 2:

That's right. Thank you very much.